─── ABout us ───




Hola! Ciao! My name is Ariana DiNielli and I am founder of Rifugio Austin. I originally hail from Los Angeles, California and grew up in an open-minded, multi-cultural household. My first experience in a school setting was in a Reggio-Emilia preschool program. I still have vivid memories of playing, exploring, and learning. I believe it laid the groundwork and foundation for who I am today. 

My intense passion for food and cooking has led me to many experiences around the world.  I immersed myself in cooking classes in Bologna, Italy, attended University in Rome, and then found myself teaching English in Spain for three and a half years. I am fluent in Spanish and conversational in Italian. 

After arriving to Austin six years ago, I have worked in multiple Montessori and Reggio-Emilia inspired classrooms. Through these experiences, I have continued to cultivate a strong sense of self and love and acceptance for all different cultures and ways of thinking. I have been vegan for the past eight years and have developed an intense passion for plant-based cooking that I bring to Rifugio’s plant-based curriculum. 

The concept of Rifugio Austin was birthed out of spending three months in Northern Italy, most specifically Cortina. Being surrounded by the immense beauty of the Dolomites and exploring Rifugios in the setting of the Alps truly made its mark on me. I am inspired to bring the concept of a Rifugio to the Austin community. I hope to bring all the inspiration, learning, appreciation for nature, love for the planet and one another, to each soul that walks through Rifugio Austin. 



Assistant Director

Mucho gusto! My name is Sofia Gamba and I was born in Mexico City.  As a child, my family moved from Mexico to the U.S. frequently which has made me a bicultural, bilingual and very fortunate human being.  I love both countries and my particular life experience has shaped my  education in unique ways, for which I am extremely grateful.

As a child, I had the privilege of attending a classic Montessori School in South Texas from age three to six.  I LOVED school at this point in my life.  The library, circle time, preparing snacks and sitting close to my guide, Miss Elsie – who I will never forget and who would observe us calmly, always smiling kindly, a gentle soul. An artist as well, she drew her students portraits throughout the academic year.

After I graduated from UT, I moved back to Mexico City.  I majored in Psychology so I began to gain experience working with children ages five through twelve by shadowing different therapists at Everest, a pedagogy center for children with behavioral, emotional and learning challenges located in Cuernavaca, Morelos.  We offered play and speech therapy.  I tutored in English.  I found my calling.  I wanted to spend more time with these amazing people who needed understanding and support but mostly, love and laughter.

After a couple of years in Mexico, I made a big move to NYC.  I began work as an Administrator at a magnificent school in Tribeca called The Washington Market School.  I learned so much about myself, about what it takes to structure a place to support a teacher’s work.  It was here that I was called back into the Montessori environment, slowly making my way back to the happiest place my heart remembered.

Life does take you where you need to go, I trust it so!  It is no surprise that I came home to Austin a few years after NY with tremendous clarity and drive to become an Educator. To continue my work in Montessori environments and to humbly guide radiant young people.  I have had the honor to work as a toddler guide for a few years and have had plenty of time in the classroom with three, four and five year old people who challenge, delight and amaze me everyday.  




Hi all! I’m Morgan! I grew up on the Eastern shore of Maryland, a rural area where I spent a lot of my childhood playing and observing and growing outside. I felt in those early years a tremendous amount of seeking and contemplating to understand the world. My teachers, and enrichment programs, at elementary school were of memorable support in that. 

I went on to attend GW University in Washington, DC, where I acquired a biology degree. Afterwards, I returned to a childhood notion of learning to weld in order to make metal sculptures. I’ve since learned how much fulfillment practicing art can provide.

Prior to coming to Rifugio, I worked in a Montessori setting and taught art. At Rifugio, I will be delving back into science and I’m excited for the combination of science and art, both of which foster strength of mindset and perspective.

I am always seeing and feeling the importance of childhood. There is so much to learn and experience in this time, and it is wonderful to be a part of that, a positive presence and guide in young people’s lives.

I am grateful I can do this at Rifugio, where Ariana and Sofia have built a wonderful, patient, and loving space.