Exploring emotions through dance, movement, meditation, and thoughtful discussion can be a powerful and transformative experience for students. Our students were able to explore their emotions and their shadow and non-shadow selves through these mediums, and they were able to create affirmations affirming their light sides and release their shadow selves through writing and filming a video.

The shadow self is the part of ourselves that we often try to hide or suppress. It may contain traits or behaviors that we view as negative or undesirable, and we may try to keep these aspects of ourselves hidden from others. However, it is important to recognize and acknowledge our shadow selves in order to fully understand and heal ourselves. We wanted to bring an awareness to our students that all emotions are welcome and should be brought out from within. 

To begin the process of exploring their emotions and shadow selves, students engaged in various dance and movement exercises. These activities allowed them to physically express and release any pent-up emotions or energy they were holding onto. Through the use of music and movement, students were able to tap into their emotions and let go of any tension or stress they may have been carrying.

Meditation was also used as a tool to help students connect with their emotions and inner selves. By focusing on their breath and clearing their minds, students were able to tune into their bodies and pay attention to any emotions or thoughts that arose. This helped them to become more aware of their emotional states and begin to understand and process their feelings.

In addition to movement and meditation, students also engaged in thoughtful discussion and read books about the beautiful range of emotions. One of the books our students loved was “Real Cowboys” written by Kate Hoefler. These discussions allowed them to share their experiences and learn from one another, as well as gain a deeper understanding of their own emotions and how to work with them.

Once students had a better understanding of their emotions and shadow selves, they were able to create affirmations affirming their light sides. These affirmations were positive statements that they repeated to themselves as a way of reinforcing their positive traits and qualities. By focusing on the light within themselves, students were able to let go of their negative self-talk and step into their whole selves. 

To further cement the emotion of their non-shadow selves, students filmed and edited a video to convey the emotion and transformation they had experienced. This video allowed them to visually document their journey and share it with the community, helping to solidify their emotional growth and self-acceptance.